4 days remain until voting for patron of Galway’s new second-level school closes

educate together secondary school

There are just 4 days remaining for parents to get their votes in before the voting for patron of Galway’s new second-level school closes.

Parents have until the 31st of July before the voting for patron of Galway’s new second-level closes and they are urged to support Educate Together.



The Department of Education and Skills is currently gathering parent’s preferred school patron. This will help them decide the patronage of the new second level school that will open in Galway in 2019.

To be eligible to vote you must be a parent or guardian of a child due to enter second level school between 2019 and 2023 and live within the Galway City and Oranmore catchment area.

With a mere four days to go until voting closes Educate Together are urging parents to vote to ensure increased diversity in school options in the region.

“Educate Together is the patron body of the growing network of schools in Ireland that are run according to the Educate Together Charter.

“It is an independent NGO that runs schools that guarantee equality of access and esteem to children ‘irrespective of their social, cultural or religious background’, are learner centered in their approach to education and are run as participatory democracies, with respectful partnerships between parents, pupils and staff.”

8 year old Annie from Galway Educate Together spoke at a recent GET2LS public meeting and urged parents to vote for Educate Together to run Galway’s newest secondary school.



Tuesday 31st July marks the final day for parents to vote and Educate Together strongly urge parents to consider Educate Together when they vote for the patron of Galway’s newest secondary school.

Parents can vote for their preferred patron here.