Saturday July 14 – Debate on women in Irish media ‘Accelerating Gender Equality: Time for Quotas?’

Galway daily what's on debate on gender equality in Irish Media

A panel discussion on gender equality in the Irish film and television industry. Is it time to introduce quotas? Or are they a ‘threat to quaility’?

The Equality Action Committee of the Writers Guild, Screen Directors Guild, and Women in Film and Television Ireland want people to come and add their voice to the discussion.

This free event is on at this Saturday, July 14 at the Galway Rowing Club in Woodquay at 2pm. Seating is first come, first serve.

Afterwards there’ll be a drinks reception with a free drink for members of the WGI, SDGI, and WFT. If you’re not a member you can join now register on the night.

(So long as you’re willing to admit that joining a guild for a free drink is a pretty big leap).

Writer and Director Liz Gill will deliver the opening remarks, and afterwards there’ll be a debate with panelists Dr Annie Doona (Chairperson, Screen Ireland), Michael O’Keefe (CEO, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland), David Collins (Producer), Orla O’Connor (Director, National Women’s Council of Ireland), and the moderator – Dr Susan Liddy.