Weather warning for heavy wind and rain in effect

Galway Daily weather Weather warning for heavy rain in Galway tonight

Heavy rain and possible flooding is expected throughout the day, with a status yellow weather warning in effect this morning.

A wind and rain warning for all of Ireland will be in place until 9pm tonight.

It will be very windy throughout the day, with widespread gales and some severe and damaging gusts.

Winds will start off southerly today, and begin veering westerly as the day progresses.

There is the potential for localised wave overtopping along Atlantic coasts, Met Eireann has warned.

Rain will be heaviest in Galway in the late morning and early afternoon, and Met Eireann has warned of flooding in places.

The west coast is also under a status orange storm warning for coastal water today.

Southerly winds, veering westerly, will reach storm force 10 at times on Wednesday on Irish coastal waters from Mizen Head to Slyne Head to Malin Head and on the north Irish Sea.

This marine warning will be in effect throughout the day, lasting until midnight.