Galway United joins SVP Christmas food drive

Galway United sport Galway United builds up defensive line

Galway United is once again taking part in the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Drive, with a drop off point for donations at their pop-up shop.

The club’s Christmas pop-up shop is now open at Odeon House in Eyre Square, next to O’Connolls pub.

The food donations that people leave for SVP as part of the Christmas drive will be boxed and distributed on December 22.

“Everyone involved at Galway United, from our Co-Op to our Academy, and the Galway Football Association, is delighted to play a small role in helping to provide local families with food supplies to ensure they have a happy and healthy Christmas,” said club manager John Caulfield.

“This can be an extremely worrying time of year for many people and we are confident, with the generosity of the Galway United fans and those in the community, that this year’s appeal will be a fantastic success. Go raibh maith agaibh!

The Christmas Shop is open until 6pm on Wednesday, December 23 for people who want to drop off food or pick up some club gear to fill stockings.

Opening hours for the Galway United Christmas shop are as follows:
Monday – Saturday: 10.00am – 6.00pm
Sunday: 12.00pm – 6.00pm