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HSE - search results

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Uisce Éireann reminds Loughrea residents of boil water notice

Uisce Éireann has reminded customers in some localised areas of Loughrea town that the Boil Water Notice remains in place. The notice was issued to...

Tuam’s new X-ray facilities to be in use by December

The long-awaited X-Ray facilities in Tuam are will begin installation by June this year and will be operational before the end of the year. The...

INMO seriously worried about post-Easter trolley surge

Urgent steps need to be taken to avoid a surge in hospital overcrowding ahead of the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. The Irish Nurses and Midwives...

Boil Water Notice lifted after more than five months in place

The Boil Water Notice for homes in Ros a Mhíl has been lifted this week after more than five months in place. Uisce Eireann issued...

More than 1,000 patients on trolleys at UHG in worst March on record

There were over 1,000 patients on trolleys at UHG this month, making it the third most overcrowded hospital in Ireland, and its worst March...

Boil Water Notice issued for 1,000 Loughrea properties

A Boil Water Notice has been issued for approximately 1,000 homes and businesses in parts of Loughrea town. Irish Water issued the notice for localised...

Almost 200 people waiting for hip and knee replacements in Galway

There are almost 200 people on a waiting list for hip and knee replacements in Galway, some of whom have been waiting more than...

Galway hospitals account for 10% of over 700 patients on trolleys in Irish hospitals

Some 709 people are on trolleys waiting for a bed in Irish hospitals today after what was another extremely busy weekend for healthcare workers...

Serious concerns about GP shortage in Headford area

County Councillor Andrew Reddington has said that the current doctor shortage in the Headford area is of "serious concern for many" in the area....

Health Officials urge public to stay safe this St. Patrick’s weekend

Over the St Patrick’s Day long weekend, health officials in the West are encouraging the public to consider all care options before attending Emergency...

Plans submitted for demolition of former UHG Emergency Department

Planning permission is being sought to demolish the former emergency department building at UHG in order to clear the ground for the new one. The...

INMO warns that hospital overcrowding is not letting up

Pressure on nurses has not been letting up as hospital overcrowding remains extremely high the INMO has warned. There are more than 600 people on...

Boil Water Notice for Ros a Mhil remains after over 4 months

A Boil Water Notice for some 250 homes in the Ros a Mhíl area remains in place after more than four months. Uisce Eireann imposed...

Staffing issued affecting Carraroe community nursing unit

Staffing shortages have been impacting the capacity of the nursing unit in Carraroe, answers at the recent Regional Health Forum meeting have shown. Councillor Dáithi...

Galway GP receives national Dr Fiona Bradley award

Galway GP Dr Niamh O’Brien has been announced as the winner of the Dr Fiona Bradley national award. The presentation was made at a Joint...

Canney calls for Toghermore lands to be available to sports groups

Galway East TD Seán Canney has said that the Toghermore Estate lands in Tuam should be made available to community and sporting groups for...

Over 1,000 people on trolleys in Galway’s hospitals in February

There were over 1,000 patients on trolleys in Galway's hospitals in February. University Hospital Galway was the third most overcrowded in Ireland last month, with...

13 Galway community groups awarded energy bills grants

A further 13 community and voluntary groups in Galway have been awarded just over €12,000 in grant funding to support them with their energy...

University of Galway to celebrate Traveller Ethnicity Day

University of Galway will Irish Traveller Ethnicity Day with a series of events taking place across campus from Monday to Thursday next week. Irish Traveller...

Free pest control webinar for food businesses

Food businesses are being encouraged to attend a free webinar on pest control on Wednesday, 1 March, hosted by the Food Safety Authority of...

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