Traffic levels in Galway City growing faster than the rest of Ireland

Galway Daily traffic Traffic delays expected from N65 roadworks today

Galway City has seen the largest weekly increase in traffic figures in the country after a week into Phase 2 of lifting restrictions.

The latest figures from Transport Infrastructure Ireland show that traffic on Bothar na dTreabh, one of the busiest routes in the city, is up 8% today compared with Monday, June 8.

Off all the national routes being monitored by TII at the moment, this spike in car numbers was larger than anywhere except on the M1 motorway south of the border at Jonesboro.

There were 2,803 cars recorded on Bothar na dTreabh between 7am and 10am this morning.

However this figure is still down 38% on the same day in 2019.

Last week saw Ireland enter Phase 2 of the accelerated roadmap for ending the COVID-19 lockdown.

In this current stage people are allowed to travel within 20km of their home, or anywhere in the county, and many more have gone back to work with a greater range of businesses allowed to reopen.

TII has been keeping a daily count of car numbers on ten key routes since late April when the agency began noticing a sustained increase in traffic levels.