Plans for new pedestrian crossings on the Browne Rounabout

Galway Daily news Browne roundabout pedestrian crossings

Galway City Council is conducting a public consultation on proposals for new pedestrian crossings at the Browne Roundabout.

The Browne Roundabout is a five arm road junction of the N6, N59, R338 Seamus Quirke Road and the UHG access road.

The city council is proposing to add several Toucan pedestrian crossings to the roundabout to address the current deficit.

Toucan crossings allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross at the same time without requiring cyclists to dismount and walk across.

These works will be delivered under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act (1994). Feedback is now invited on the proposed crossings as part of a non-statutory public consultation.

Further information about the proposal can be found at this link.

The consultation period is from Thursday, March 7 to Thursday, March 28 2024. Online submissions can be emailed to or post to;

Active Travel,
Galway City Council,
City Hall,
College Road,

An in-person consultation will be held on Wednesday, March 20 from 16:00 – 18:30 at Westside Library.

City Council representatives will be available in Westside Library on the day to explain the scheme and answer any questions/queries that the public may have.