Ballybrit road closing for two weeks in November

Galway daily news Seven week road closure in downtown Galway City

A street in Ballybrit will be closed daily for the be closed for the better part of two weeks next month due to water and sewage work taking place.

Galway City Council is closing “Ballybaan Road (L-50356-0) and Líós na Rún (L-50355-0), known locally as Rocklands Avenue: From Monivea Road / Ballybaan Road Junction to Líós na Rún / Rahylin Glebe Junction”.

The road closure is being enacted to allow sewer and water connections to take place in this part of Ballybrit.

The road will be closed between 7am and 6pm each day from Monday, November 2 through to Friday, November 13.

Local access will be maintained at all times, and diversion signage will be in place before works begin to alert traffic.

The suggested diversion route for those travelling north is: Rahylin Glebe – Ballybaan Road (R-865-6) – Monivea Road, while the diversion travelling south is: Monivea Road – Ballybaan Road (R-865-6) – Rahylin Glebe.