Salthill housing development get planning approval despite local traffic concerns

Galway Daily news Planning permission granted for Salthill apartment blocks

Planning permission has been granted for a residential development in Salthill consisting of a block of nine terraced houses and apartments over local objections.

Highgate Investments Ltd planned to demolish an existing building and to build a three-storey housing block in its place at Upper Salthill adjacent to Lenaboy Gardens.

The development will include a mix of one, two, and three bed terraced houses and duplex apartments which would be accessed through Lenaboy gardens.

The developer originally planned to construct a four and half storey tall building with twelve apartments, but revised its plans when told by Galway city council that the plot density and scale of the plans were not suitable for the area.

In February the city council requested further information from the developer on the proposed parking and how it would affect traffic safety in the area as well as instructing them to revise the scale, height, and overall design of the development.

The development will be served by nine surface parking spaces, one for each home, with a single access point onto Lenaboy Gardens.

A number of objections were made by local residents in Salthill concerned with traffic levels and the scale of the project including the Lenanboy Gardens Residents Association.

Lenaboy Gardens Residents Association said that plans to have the bin storage area facing directly onto Lenaboy Gardens would have a negative impact on the estate.

The group also said that despite the council’s request no up to date traffic analysis was provided by the developer.

The objectors commissioned a traffic assessment of their own from Colin Buchanan and Partners which declared that the Lenaboy Gardens cul-de-sac was not suited to the additional traffic this development would bring.

Planning permission had previously been refused by the city council for residential developments on this site for traffic related reasons.

According to the developer the units are planned for long-term tenure, though it is not clear at this point whether they would be owner occupied or for rental.

Galway city council granted planning permission with 21 conditions attached.