Red warning remains in place as many roads remain treacherous

Galway Daily news snow and ice weather warning

A Status Red Snow-Ice Warning is still currently in place for Galway. The advice during a red weather warning is not to travel.

There is snowfall on routes across Co. Galway including around Loughrea, Gort, Ballinasloe and Oranmore with the M6 reportedly down to one lane between Ballinasloe and the city.

There are also very strong winds and heavy snow in the city and Salthill areas and Gardai are strongly advising against any travel.

Traffic restrictions are in place in Clonburr Village as emergency services deal with fire. People are being asked to avoid the village if possible.

Galway City Council’s Severe Weather Assessment and Response Team reconvened earlier this morning and received reports on overnight developments.

The council said its ongoing priority is to deploy available resources to keep roads clear and to ensure essential services.

Salting of national, regional and the main routes across the city took place between 5.00 am and 10.00am.

Galway City Council continues to have an ample supply (and reserve stock) of salt.

They are also working closely with Cope Galway in relation to getting rough sleepers into its Cold Weather service in the Westside.

Emergency calls for City Council regarding essential services can be made to 091 536400. On-call staff are responding to emergencies as they arise and if they can be deployed safely.

City Hall, Leisureland, the Town Hall Theatre and the City Museum and recreation centres across the city will remain closed today.

Druid Theatre company’s performance of Waiting For Godot in the Town Hall Theatre on Friday night has been cancelled. Swim Academy classes in Leisureland scheduled for Saturday have also been cancelled.

There is a status Red warning Snow/Ice that applies to Galway City currently in place and up to 6.00pm on Friday, 2nd March. Snowfall continues across the city.

Whilst the warning to stay indoors has been been rescinded by the National Emergency Coordinating Group, Galway City Council’s advice to motorists, pedestrians and the public in general is to only undertake journeys if absolutely necessary, no matter how short.

High Tides: the OPW issued a high tide advisory notice for the period of Thurs. 1st Mar. to Mon. 5th March. Galway City Council are aware of the current period of very high astronomical spring tides. The highest astronomical tide in this period will occur on Saturday morning at 5.50am. The assessment at the moment is that the risk of over-topping in the Docks/Spanish Arch/Claddagh area and in Salthill is low.

The Infrastructure section will monitor tide levels and keep in contact with the Harbour Master during this period of high astronomical spring tides. The Aquadam bund at Fishmarket will be partially inflated and roads crews will be on standby (for road closures etc.) in the event of overtopping/flooding due to tides particularly early on Saturday morning 3rd March.

Galway City Council remains in constant contact with the National Emergency Coordination Group and with other service providers including An Gárda Síochána, Civil Defence and the Fire Service locally. The Coordination Group in Galway City Council will reconvene again this evening after 6.00pm while staff and crews remain on standby to respond to issues as they arise during the day.

If anyone is aware of rough sleepers who may need a bed, please contact Cope at 1800 788887 or 085 8009641 (9pm+)