Plans for new Primary Care Centre in Galway City

Galway Daily news Plans for Westside Primary Care Centre

Planning permission is being sought for a primary care centre, TUSLA building, and ambulance centre in Galway City.

Valley Healthcare Fund have made a planning application to the city council for this large scale healthcare and social services development on the Seamus Quirke Road.

The currently vacant site is part of the Westside District Centre, and zoned for ‘Enterprise, Light Industry, and Commercial’ use.

The development, on land opposite the Westside Playing Fields, will comprise a primary care centre between 6 and 9 storeys in height over basement level.

The primary care centre will contain two GPs proactices, a diagnostic superhub with X-Ray, MRI, and CT scanning capabilities, and Dea & Ultrasound facilties.

Other medical facilities will include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Dental services, Community Mental Health and Day Hospital facilities.

There will also be a café and a pharmacy unit on the ground floor of the building, in the entrance area.

The developer also plans to build a four storey TUSLA building, and a single storey ambulance service deployment building, with three ambulance bays.

The TUALA building will provide facilities for the Child and Family Agency, including interview and access rooms, along with administrative offices.

There will be a basement level car park with 123 car parking spaces, along with 220 bicycle spaces at the basement and ground level.

Other work on site will involve a new access road and internal roads, along with landscaping green areas on the grounds.

A decision on this planning application is due from Galway City Council by February 14 of this year.