Planning approval for assisted living residential development in Galway City

Galway Daily news Planning approval for assisted living residential development in Galway City

Planning permission has been granted for an assisted living residential development for elderly people in Galway City.

Sweetbay Ltd has been given the green light byt the city council for a four storey over undercroft assisted living apartment building at Tornóg on the Headford Road.

The apartment building would have a total of 45 units, comprising 13 one-bed apartments, and 32 two-bed apartments.

Galway City Council granted planning permission for the residential development with 19 conditions attached.

The developer must pay the city council a contribution of €357,138 towards the provision of public services in the area which will facilitate the development.

“The proposed accommodation aims to provide and extend the period of independent living, and should not be considered similar to a nursing home typology,” a design statement for the application states.

“This is achieved through the provision of specifically design residential units, communal accommodation which is intended to generate a strong community and a programme of adjunct support facilities”.

The development also includes 23 car parking spaces, including age friendly and disability spaces, along with a set-down/drop-off point for minibuses or ambulances.

Communal open space will be provided through a central courtyard and a south facing terrace.

Sweetbay Ltd recently received planning permission for another residential development at Tornog adjacent to this site.

This will comprise 30 apartments spread across four blocks, along with six three-bed houses and a creche.

Parking in the housing development will comprise 56 car parking spaces, and 112 bicycle spaces.