New dog park planned for Athenry in good news for pet owners

Galway Daily news Plans in the works for new Dog Park near Oranmore

Dog owners in Athenry may soon have a new place to let them stretch their legs and play with plans for a new dog park in the area.

Planning permission is being sought by Athenry Dog Park Committee for a dog park on a 0.52 hectare site at Knockaunglass field on the Esker Road in Athenry.

The developer was granted the use of this field by Athenry Community Council to create an area “where dogs can socialise, exercise, and play as well as provide an area where dog owners can socialise”.

The park would consist of three separate exercise and socilaisation areas: One are specifically for small dogs, one unrestricted area for dogs of all sizes, and a socialisation area.

Each of the three areas would include equipment such as tyres, planks, tubes and other items to stimulate the dogs at play.

For the owners, the design includes two shelters where people can sit out of the rain and still keep an eye on their dogs.

The park will be surrounded with a 1.8m high chain link fence, with each of the separate areas for the dogs also fenced in.

The outside boundary will be secured by an entrance gate with a keypad lock in case of anti-social issues, the access code for which will be distributed to dog owners by the developer through their website and social media.

It’s planned for Barna Waste to handle waste collection services for the dog park, with collections on a fortnightly basis.

Parking would be achieved through an existing 20 space car park adjacent to the site.

The Athenry Tidy Towns Committee have been enthusiastic in their support for the dog park, saying that it would help keep the area clean.

The committee also said in a letter of support that they are planting plant trees around the boundary of the Knockaunglass site and will continue to do so.

These will “provide shelter, camouflage and coverage for the park, and also add to our own biodiversity plan”.

Galway Rural Development have also indicated that they would like to support this project and could provide workers to help keep it tidy.

Galway county council is due to make a decision this development by June 12.