Approval sought for expansion of Athenry housing estate

Galway Daily news Planning refused for extension of Athenry housing estate

Plans have been submitted to the county council for the expansion of a housing estate in Athenry.

Bellville Building & Construction is seeking planning permission to build 14 houses onto Cluain Lara on the outskirts of Athenry.

The works would first consist of removing a decommissioned wastewater treatment plant and polishing filter on the site.

The new houses going in there would be three 4-bed, detached houses; eight 3-bed, semi-detached homes; and three 3-bed, terraced dwellings.

The project is heavily opposed by residents of the Cluain Lara estate, with concerns about traffic and common areas raised in 15 submissions from locals received by the county council.

Among the concerns raised in these objections are the increased traffic this will bring to the existing access road, and whether the developer has right of way to the access road leading to where these houses will go.

Local also object to the loss of green areas, who will be responsible for management of the new area, and that the common areas in the existing Cluain Lara estate have not been given over to the management company.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on whether to grant planning permission for the housing project by October 26.