Galway Council of Trade Unions talks about a Living Wage in webinar series

Galway Daily Clarenbridge nurse elected President of Galway Trades Council

The Galway Council of Trade Unions is launching a new series of webinars on the future of the labour movement and unions push for a better living wage next week.

The first in a series of ONE Vision ONE Future webinars will take place on Wednesday, October 28.

Based on the ICTU’s publication No Going Back, the ONE Vision Change Manifesto for Workers, the webinars will focus on the need to “reimagine society, reorganise the economy and respect our workers”.

Marian Spelman, President of the Galway Council of Trade Unions, said that these webinars will help to bring people together, and show that they are part of a “strong movement of activists and representatives,” working to mitigate the worst impacts of the current pandemic on workers.

“The theme ‘An Income to Live on’ is very topical,” she added, “particularly given the recent  comments by Tánaiste Leo Varadkar regarding the potential of changing the Low Pay  Commission into a Living Wage Commission.”

However, John Carty of the MANDATE union says that a Living Wage, while welcome, is only one element of pushing for wage security.

For many low paid workers in the retail and bar industry, a change in pay rates won’t overly help if hours are slashed or remain “insecure” he said.

“An increase in the wage rate has to be made along with securing regular hours which would provide a real Living Income”. 

“This is the approach of the Living Wage Foundation in London,” he added, “and I look forward to  hearing from Daniel Howard campaign lead on their Secure hours campaign, who will join us and discuss their strategy and experiences”. 

Marian will be joined by panellists Daniel Howard from the Living Wage Foundation in London, Terrence McDonagh economist and former lecturer with NUIG, and John Carty, official with the MANDATE Trade union and based in Galway.

To register for the webinar, email