Green light for new Gort recycling centre

Galway Daily news Green light for new Gort recycling centre

Galway County Council has received planning permission for a new civic amenity site / recycling centre in Gort.

Plans have been approved by An Bord Pleanála for the recycling centre on the Kinincha Road to the north of the town centre.

It’s expected that construction will take approximately four months to complete, and the facility will also require a Certificate of Registration from the EPA.

When open it will be able to handle 700 tonnes of recyclable waste per annum. No processing of waste will take place on site.

This will replace an existing bottle bank facility closer to town along the Kinincha Road.

Three public submissions were made concerning this development, all of which welcomed the plans, and their potential to reduce illegal dumping.

Some concerns were raised in the submissions about widening the access road, and potential impacts on its amenity value as a result, and the potential risk from increased traffic.

The Bord inspector’s report said there will be an estimated 43 vehicles per day on the road, which will not have a significant impact.

It also said that the works which the council intends to carry out on the road are minor in nature, and will not significantly change its rural nature.

A Natura Impact Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, and a Bat Survey were prepared and submitted as part of this application process.

Planning permission was granted by An Bord Pleanála with eight conditions attached.

Among those, the perimeter of the site must be planted with native trees and shrubs.