Council blocks 24m telecoms tower near Ring Road route

Galway Daily news Planning refused again for Galway City mobile tower

Galway City Council has refused planning permission for a 24m high mobile and broadband mast due to its proximity to the Ring Road route.

Vantage Towers Ltd sought permission to erect a 24m high lattice telecoms tower on a site off the Cappagh Road.

The project would have also included antennas, dishes, headframe and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed by security fencing.

The planning application stated that it was being made “specifically on behalf of Vodafone and also for eir and Three Ireland.”

The new tower is needed as the existing monopole mast is due to be decommissioned, and no suitable alternate site has been identified, it also states.

In refusing permission, the city council said that the site location, and its access road, are in “close proximity” to the approved route for the N6 Ring Road.

“If permitted, the proximity of the proposed development will prejudice the plans for the delivery of this scheme and materially contravene the policy of the Galway City Development Plan 2017 – 2023.”

The council also said that Vantage Towers hadn’t shown that the mast wouldn’t have a negative impact on the protected site, the Galway Bay Complex SAC and SPA.

The council inspector noted that the developer had not submitted any reports on environmental screening of the site.

Two third party public submissions objecting to the project on multiple grounds had been made to the council also, and Transport Infrastructure Ireland also recommended refusal due to the Ring Road.