Brain Tumour Ireland calls on Galway to #WearAHat

galway daily news sinead gormley for BTI WearAHatDay
Sinead Gormley

Brain Tumour Ireland (BTI) is calling on people in Galway to wear their favourite hat on #WearAHatDay on Friday, 4 November and donate €4 to support the charity’s vital work for brain tumour patients and their families.

Over 400 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour in Ireland each year with many contacting Ireland’s only dedicated brain tumour charity for support.

As well as online support groups for patients and families in Galway and across Ireland and practical information for patients, BTI raises awareness of brain tumour symptoms among the public and medical professionals, and contributes funding to brain tumour research.

This year, Brain Tumour Ireland has partnered with milliner Sinead Gormley, who will donate a bespoke hat as a prize for the ‘Best Selfie’ posted with the hashtag, ‘#WearAHatDay’.

The cause is close to Sinead’s heart as her own father died from a brain tumour 18 years ago when she was 26.

Fiona Keegan, the charity’s national coordinator, said they are so thankful to everyone who makes the effort to support the work of Brain Tumour Ireland by making a donation on Wear A Hat Day.

She reminded people that their brilliant milliner for the year, Sinead, will be judging the best selfie.

“Don’t forget to post yours online using #WearAHatDay and to donate €4 to Brain Tumour Ireland by texting BTI to 50300.”

Fiona said that at the heart of BTI’s work is the support they provide for patients and families in Galway and throughout Ireland with over 200 people availing of their services since January 2021.

“We receive no State funding, so our #WearAHatDay campaign is essential in keeping our services running year-round.”

This month, the charity will mark 10 years since its foundation with the launch of new information resources for patients and their families on

In addition to Wear a Hat Day, BTI will hold a number of special events throughout the week of 29 October to 5 November. More information can be found here.