Aware support & self-care groups helping mental wellbeing in Galway

Aware support & self-care groups helping mental wellbeing in Galway

Aware, the national organisation providing support, education and information to people impacted by depression, bipolar disorder and other mood-related conditions is inviting people in Galway to their Support & Self-Care Groups.

Available in virtual settings – via Zoom and phone in – and in-person locations throughout Ireland, the groups offer a unique opportunity for people, over the age of 18 years, to talk openly about depression, bipolar disorder, other related conditions and their impact.

Peers share their experiences and understanding and exchange thoughts and techniques around self-care and resilience in a supportive, confidential and proactive environment.

The local Galway group takes place at Croi na Gaillimhe, Mill Street every Wednesday at 7pm.

“I feel understood and accepted. The Aware group has been an invaluable lifeline at times,” one person attending the group said.

“I feel a sense of hope for the first time in ages which has made a big difference to everything in my life.”

What happens at an Aware Support & Self Care Group?

When you join a Support & Self Care Group, you are greeted by two Aware volunteer facilitators. The facilitators open the meeting, providing an overview of what you can expect.

Facilitators introduce themselves by their first name only and invite all attending to do likewise. The meeting is declared open to anyone who would like to share.

Someone in the group shares their thoughts and feelings. To gain an understanding for the group, a facilitator may ask some questions to clarify what has been shared.

The facilitator asks the person sharing if they want feedback from the group and if so, opens to the group for their thoughts and support. A facilitator briefly summarises any options offered by the group before inviting others to share.

A proactive approach is used throughout the meeting in which participants can express emotion, acknowledge feelings, question thoughts and beliefs and focus on helpful actions they can take.

Group facilitators will address the limits to confidentiality within the group setting. All attendees agree to keep everything that is said and takes place at the meeting completely confidential. This is essential in allowing each person the safety to express whatever they would like to say.

Any adult who is experiencing anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or a mood related condition is welcome. No referral is needed although if attending a doctor or therapist, Aware recommends that you keep them informed.

For more information on Aware Support & Self Care Groups, please visit

Aware also offers a Support Line (1800 80 48 48) and Support Mail service (