Colour Dash Galway – 5k Family Run

Colour Dash NUIG

Ireland’s most fun 5k family run – Colour Dash, is back this summer, returning to NUI Galway on Sunday, June 10 2018!

The event set to take place at NUI Galway on Sunday morning 10th June between 11am and 2pm.

At Colour Dash, participants run, walk or jog as they are pelted by powdered paint at each kilometre along the route. Each km represents a different cancer as well as cancer survivorship.

You can buy your ticket online or by calling CallingSave on 1850 60 60 60.

Once registered you’ll receive a letter with your wristbands which you bring to the event to get your Colour Dash t-shirt.

Colour Dash ticket prices:

Adult tickets (12 years and over) – €30 per adult (12&over)

Children’s* tickets (Under 12 years) – €5 per child (Under 12).

Money raised at the Colour Dash supports the Irish Cancer Society’s mission to stop cancer.

“We do this by funding life-saving cancer research as well as services and care for people affected by cancer all over Ireland.

“We are 98% funded by the public so we rely on events like Colour Dash to be able to provide these services and continue to fund research that saves lives.”

For those looking to purchase tickets for the Colour Dash event, you can do so at