Green light for demolition and replacement of Lidl supermarket in Gort

Galway Daily news Planning sought to demolish and replace Lidl supermarket in Gort

Galway County Council has granted planning permission for the demolition of Lidl supermarket in Gort to make way for a larger replacement.

Lidl sought the council’s approval to demolish the existing supermarket on Crowe Street, Gort, along with a neighbouring building.

This would make way for the construction of a larger new supermarket in its place, increasing the floor space from 1,795m² currently to 2,529m² when the new building is built.

In the application, Lidl stated that the larger supermarket will create an additional 5-10 full-time jobs on top of current employment levels.

The Cover Letter for the plans states that the current supermarket, which was designed in 2005, is no longer suitable to cater for the scale of demand in the area.

Planning permission for the supermarket was granted by Galway County Council with 26 conditions attached.

One condition states that Lidl must provide a minimum of two hours of free public parking on the site to serve the town centre.

Other works will include reconfiguring car parking and landscaping on the site, along with reconfiguring vehicular and pedestrian access to Kinincha Road.

The development will also include the creation of new pedestrian accesses to Kinincha Road and Crowe Street, and a public plaza where the site meets Crowe Street.