Public input sought on future of Leisureland on its 50th birthday

Galway Daily news Parking charges being introduced at Leisureland

Public input, starting with young people, is being sought to reimagine the future of Leisureland in Salthill for the coming decades.

Leisureland recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of first opening its doors, and the city council is seeking input on how it can be transformed into a modern, sustainable amenity for the area.

Leisureland and the neighbouring Salthill Park present a once in a lifetime opportunity to provide modern facilities and experiences that can match any destination in the world over 12 acres of space in the heart of Salthill.

The public engagement will commence in local schools with the youth of the city, before expanding to other stakeholder groups including current users of the facilities, local residents, and more.

Galway Mayor Cllr Eddie Hoare stated that, “Leisureland has been an incredible facility for the people of Galway and currently has over 3,000 people a week getting swimming lessons.”

“This engagement process is crucial to ensure it continues to serve the needs and want of the people of Galway and I would encourage everyone to get involved.”

It is expected that Phase 1 of this project, the initial public engagement, will be completed by Q1 of 2024.

The steps in redesigning Leisureland after this would would involve:

  • Transforming the consultation feedback into possible design proposals
  • Examination of the commerciality of the designs
  • Seeking financial partners (Both Private and Public)
  • Appointment of a design team
  • Secure planning permissions
  • Begin phased development

Cllr Donal Lyon, Chairperson of the Leisureland board states, “I really welcome the commencement of the public engagement process for the redevelopment of Leisureland.

“This site has so much potential, and I am looking forward to seeing the feedback that comes in from the public in relation to these plans.”

“I would like to acknowledge the contribution of the present staff under Ian Brennan and the contribution of the various boards members over the years that made Leisureland the success it now is.’