Urgent need for signalised junction at Merlin Park Hospital councillor says

Galway daily news Traffic lights at UHG out of action until next week

The delivery of a new signalised junction at Merlin Park Hospital must be a priority City Councillor Alan Cheevers has said.

This follows the start of the public consultation of proposed new Dublin Road Bus Connects project.

BusConnects Galway: Dublin Road is a continuous 4km corridor running from east of Moneenageisha Junction to the Doughiska Road Junction.

This aims to improve public transport, pedestrian, and cycling facilities along the route, and reduce the amount of car traffic.

Alan Cheevers said that the expected timescale of 2028 to build a new signalised junction at Merlin Park Hospital is too long a wait.

“I don’t believe we can wait that long for a new signalled junction for Merlin Park Hospital.  I believe we need to see this constructed in near future.”

“I believe safety is paramount for both commuters and also staff and patients visiting the Hospital campus.”

“This is something that has been discussed for many years, and I don’t believe we can wait for its construction another five years, it must be done now”.