Thursday – Spirit Box spoken word poetry stories

spirit box

Spirit Box spoken word poetry stories at the Blue Note
Thursday, March 1 @ 9pm, The Blue Note in Galway’s Westend – William Street West
Free entry

This is the opening night of Spirit Box, a diverse, eccentric spoken word poetry series. It is sure to prompt you to #FindTheOthers.

Join us at 9pm at the Blue Note to hear the wordsmiths of Galway City do their magic at the mic with slam-style spoken-word poetry.

This is the first trial run of the series, so it will be a laid-back mix of sign-ups and pre-arranged artists speaking at the mic. This way there will be no expectation of walk-in artists to perform. The goal is to have a pressure-free, welcoming space for the artists of Galway.

Spirit Box will feature poets who we have pre-arranged to speak and anyone else who would be open to performing. A sign-up list will be available at the door at 8pm. Please send a message to the Blue Note if you have questions.