Pedestrianising of city streets referred to An Bord Pleanála

Galway Daily news Pedestrianising of city streets

Galway City Council’s move to pedestrianise six streets this summer to encourage outdoor dining has been referred to An Bord Pleanala.

The City Council has decided to emulate last year’s practice of closing multiple streets in the city to encourage outdoor dining in the summer.

Small Crane, Ravens Terrace, Dominic Street Upper, William Street West, Forster Street and part of Woodquay are to be closed either in the evenings, or 24/7, for the duration of the summer.

This move is meant to give more space for bars and restaurants to place tables and chairs outside, to help the recovering hospitality sector.

That move this year has now been referred to An Bord Pleanála by an individiual, to determine whether or not it is a development, or an exempted development.

If the Bord rules that the street closures are a development, then they would fall under the umbrella of planning laws.

However, even then, they could also be ruled an exempted development, which are specific categories of developments which do not require planning permission.

The case is due to be decided by An Bord Pleanála by September 5 of this year.