Galway Wind Park launches €300,000 fund for community projects


The latest round of Galway Wind Park’s €300,000 Major Projects Fund has been launched.

The launch was announced today by SSE Renewables and Greencoat Renewables, co-owners of Galway Wind Park.

The Major Projects Fund support community projects around the wind park as part of Galway Wind Park’s Community Fund programme.

It supports not-for-profit groups involved in local regeneration and long-term social, safety, environmental or economic improvements in the community.

The closing date for applications for this year’s fund is Friday, 29 April 2022.

Projects applying should be located within 10km of Galway Wind Park and aim to improve or enhance local infrastructure, landscape, biodiversity, heritage, or sports and recreation and make a lasting difference to the places where residents live, work and visit.

Awards available will range from €20,000 to €150,000 annually, and certain projects may qualify for multi-year funding.

In May 2021, the previous Major Project Fund round successfully provided €300,000 towards six large scale projects including improvement to pitch surfaces, local footpaths, capital works at a sports facility and recreation trails.

SSE Renewables is very proud of the work that the Major Projects Fund has already achieved, and the quality of works completed from the 2021 funding awards,” said John O’Sullivan, SSE Renewables.

“The successful groups have worked diligently to deliver large scale transformational projects that are delivering lasting legacies to the local area.

“We look forward to working with the community once again to help develop and deliver projects that can bring a transformational difference to the local area.”

Patrick Maguire, Investment Manager for Greencoat Renewables, said they are delighted to support the second year of the redesigned Major Projects Fund.

“As long-term owners of wind farms in rural areas we are keen to support and build strong relationships with the local community through projects like this,” he said.

“The Major Projects Fund offers communities the opportunity to deliver long term sustainable projects which brings value and growth to rural areas which represents true community development.”

All applications for the Galway Wind Park Major Projects Fund should contain a clear and concise business proposal with accurate costings, timings, and targets, and demonstrate that the proposed development is shovel ready.

Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit community groups within 10km of Galway Wind Park with preference given based on proximity.

Further information and application forms for download can be found online.