Plans submitted for 64 houses in Claregalway

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

Planning permission is being sought from the county council for the construction of a residential estate with 64 houses in Claregalway.

Valcris Limited has submitted plans to build 32 three-bedroom, semi-detached houses; 27 three-bedroom terraced dwellings, and 5 three-bedroom detached houses at Lakeview, Claregalway.

The developer proposes that access to the new estate would be via the existing Lakeview Estate road, currently a cul-de-sac, as well as onto Churchview Road at the other end of the site.

The Design Statement for the development said that the layout of the housing estate has been arranged so that the houses overlook central public open space.

“The public open spaces are linked by pedestrian pathways to create a green network within the scheme and connecting to the existing residential development within the estate.”

“Seating areas will be incorporated together with designated bicycle stands. A pedestrian priority area is incorporated within the centre of the site,” the design statement says.

There have been a total of 14 objections received by the county council concerning this project, including one on behalf of the Lakeview Estate Residents Association.

The objections focus on three main areas of concern, increased traffic and road safety, claims that the site is prone to flooding, and that the scale of the development is out of character with the area.

Multiple objectors said that the local road which is proposed to connect the new estate to the N83 is not suitable for the level of increased traffic, and that it would pose a danger to motorists and pedestrians.

Local residents also said that the site has flooded on multiple occasions, and that there would be a loss of residential amenity for existing homes.

A decision on this planning application is due from Galway County Council by April 3 of this year.