Mobile mast plans for Renmore housing estate rejected

Galway Daily news Planning granted for new mobile telecoms mast in Headford
Photo: Steve Kazella via Wikimedia Commons

An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission for a mobile mast in a public space attached to a housing estate in Galway City.

Cignal Infrastructure Ireland sought approval to erect a 15m high mast at Renmore Park, to the south west of the Bon Secours Hospital.

Galway City Council had refused planning permission for the mobile mast as it would “seriously injure the streetscape, visual and residential amenities of the area”, with its prominence in an open area.

This decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála, with the appeal stating that the visual impact would largely be obscured by existing development in the area.

The appeal also said that the green space affected is at the lower end of the scale of importance of public areas in the city, and that the mobile mast would quickly become just another part of the streetscape.

In upholding the city council’s original decision, An Bord Pleanála cited the location of the development within an open space in a residential area.

“It is considered that insufficient evidence has been provided in respect of alternative sites to support the location of the development”.

Granting planning permission would therefore “negatively impact on the general amenity of the area, including the value of this public space which includes an area of outdoor dining space associated with the adjacent café.”

This would be in conflict with government policy seeking to direct such developments away from residential areas, the Bord’s decision said.