€3.6 million announced for rural projects in Galway

Féile Clifden ar siúl clifden weather

Rural areas in Galway are set to benefit from over €3.6 million in LEADER funding which was announced this morning by Minister Heather Humphreys.

Galway East will receive €2,261,956 of the allocation while €1,341,373 will go to Galway West to support locally led rural development projects.

The funding will be used to support remote working and the digital transformation as well as developing outdoor amenities and creating jobs.

A total of €70 million was announced nationally this morning as part of the Transitional LEADER programme for 2021-2022.

“Last week, I launched Our Rural Future, the Government’s ambitious new policy for the development of rural Ireland,” said Minister Humphreys this morning.

“As I said at the launch Government alone does not have all the answers and there can be no one-size-fits all approach.

“Every Town, Village and Parish is different and that means the people best placed to effect change in their communities are the people who live there.”

The Minister said that LEADER has always been about a ground up, community led approach and that she is delighted to announce the funding.

“This funding will support locally-led projects which focus on many of the key themes of Our Rural Future such as building capacity and empowering local communities, embracing opportunities in the green economy, supporting remote working and the digital transformation, developing our outdoor amenities and creating jobs in rural areas.”