New wind farm at Clonbern in the works

Galway Daily news Plans in the works for northwest Galway wind farm

Plans for the construction of an 11 turbine wind farm near Clonbern have taken a step forward, with An Bord Pleanála giving approval to make a planning application.

Clonberne Windfarm intends to build an 11 turbine wind farm with a total output of 52.8MW on land across the townlands of Clonbern, Cloonarkan, Lomaunaghroe,
Gortagarraun, Kilmurray and Killavoher.

A Pre-Application Consultation was made submitted to An Bord Pleanála seeking approval for the plans to qualify as a Strategic Infrastructure Development.

Approval for this means that the planning application can be made directly to the Board, instead of first going to the county council.

In order to qualify as a SID, any wind power project must consist of either more than 25 turbines, or have a total output greater than 50MW.

A meeting between the developer and the Board’s representative’s took place on June 22 of this year, and the site of the planned wind farm was inspected on June 26.

The higher planning authority has now given approval for an SID application to be made for the development.