City council says stop cutting the grass in public areas

Galway Daily news City council issues new rules for gardening in public areas

In a sure sign that people are starting to go a bit stir crazy in lockdown, some are apparently cutting the grass in publicly managed areas of Galway City, and the council is asking them to stop.

In a post on the city council’s facebook page on Wednesday it was noted that some people have started cutting grass and trimming bushes in public areas.

They are then apparently gathering it in black bags for council workers to collect, but “These will not be collected” a council spokesperson said, adding that while they know “people’s intentions are meant well” they should really stay at home except for specific circumstances as per public health guidelines.

“Bagging up grass cuttings on public lands may encourage illegal dumping by others adding to the pile and is potentially a health hazard.”

“There are many benefits in terms of biodiversity in leaving the grass to grow and in particular the dandelions on the verges and the bulb planting exercise that we carried out last year are now in full bloom and looking fantastic.”

“As soon as the restrictions are lifted Galway City Council is ready and waiting to get out to cut the grass.”