Students must get refunds for leaving accommodation early, says SF

galway daily news Over 130 children in emergency accommodation in Galway City

Amid reports of students and parents being denied refunds for leaving their accommodation early due to the COVID-19 crisis, Sinn Féin‘s Housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin has said that a uniform approach must be adopted by both public and private student accommodation providers.

The TD said he has heard reports of students and their parents being denied refunds, and in some cases, this can be up to three months rent.

Calling for the Ministers for Housing and Education to make a clear statement on the matter, he said that his party believes that all student accommodation providers should provide these students and their families with refunds.

“It is important for students in purpose built accommodation to know that their licences are covered under the Residential Tenancies Act,” said Eoin Ó Broin.

“Where landlords are denying refunds of pre-paid rent or deposits beyond the required notice period, they should make formal complaints to the Residential Tenancies Board.

“I have been in touch with both the USI and the Irish Universities Association on the issue.

“It would be helpful if the Ministers for Housing and Education made a clear statement calling for full refunds from all student accommodation providers.”