Priceless tips to be offered to small businesses at social media event

social media event galway

Small businesses in South Galway will have an opportunity to become social media savvy at an event in Gort later this month.

Burren Biz Network’s gathering on 28 November at The Lady Gregory Hotel will focus on ‘Social Media Tips for Small Businesses’, allowing businesses in the region to take their online presence to the next level.

East Galway TD Ciaran Cannon is urging small businesses in South Galway to take advantage of the opportunity, saying that an effective online presence has all the potential that widespread poster campaigns had in the past.

Minister Cannon said: “While an online presence is essential for businesses today, a social media presence can take it even further in terms of direct sales, increasing brand awareness, engaging with customers and letting potential customers know what products are available in their own area.”

He said that regardless of the nature of any small business, this is an area where enterprise can flourish with the right approach.

“It is an area that businesses of the 21st century cannot afford to overlook,” added the Minister.