Mary Robinson to speak in Galway about the fight for human rights

Galway Daily news Mary Robinson gives climate change talk at NUIG

Former President and long time human rights campaigner Dr Mary Robinson will address a Galway audience on how important it is to fights

for human rights around the world.

Dr Robinson will be the keynote speaker at a panel discussion on ‘The Necessity of Advocacy’ at NUI Galway next week.

The first female President of Ireland, and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Dr Mary Robinson has spent much of her life as a lawyer, politician, and diplomat advocating for the universality of human rights.

2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement.

Professor Siobhán Mullally, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUIG said that the fight for human rights is still ongoing.

“Today we see human rights, and the institutions that grew from these human rights movements, under threat in many parts of the world.”

“At a critical and often troubling time for human rights globally and in Europe, it essential that, as lawyers, we continue to advocate for human rights, and to reflect on the urgency and necessity of advocacy.”

NUIG’s Irish Centre for Human Rights is widely recognised as one of the premiere academic hubs for human rights law and policy research.

The School of law is also using this event to launch two new courses on human rights law.

There is the undergraduate ‘Law (BCL) & Human Rights’ and the postgraduate ‘LLM International Migration and Refugee Law’.

Next year is the 170th anniversary of the legal education at NUI Galway.

Dr Charles O’Mahony, Head of the School of Law at NUI Galway said that, “The School of Law and Irish Centre for Human Rights will continue to innovate in human rights scholarship and education and will support our students to realise their career ambitions and goals.”

The panel discussion head by Dr Mary Robinson will take place at the Human Biology Building at NUIG on Wednesday, October 24 from 6 – 8:30pm.

The event is free and open to the public, to attend just register at ahead of time.