NUI Galway to host virtual CAO information evening

galway daily news nuig aine brazil cao info evening

A CAO Virtual Information Evening will be hosted by NUI Galway next week featuring Áine Brazil, former Vice Chairman at the New York engineering firm Thornton Tomasetti.

She will join industry leaders, lecturers and current students from NUI Galway’s College of Science and Engineering for the event at 7pm on Thursday, 19 November.

It will feature live presentations on the University’s Science, Engineering, and Computer Science degrees and visitors to the Information Evening can watch a live panel discussion offering a practical advice on a range of topics like researching course options, attending Open Days and navigating the CAO applications system.

Current Science and Engineering students of Physics, Microbiology and Biomedical Engineering will offer their perspectives and experiences of studying across the physical and biological sciences, and engineering.

Áine Brazil, an Engineers Ireland ‘International Engineer of the Year’ recipient and structural engineer, was conferred with an honorary doctorate from NUI Galway in 2015. Áine will speak about her career as a successful and influential engineer.

Áine also sponsors the Máire Brazil Scholarship, named after her mother and awarded annually to the highest-ranked female student of Civil Engineering at NUI Galway.

The award offers €2,000 to the winning student in each of the subsequent three years of the BE Civil Engineering degree.

“In my over 40-year career I was fortunate to impact design approaches for the efficiency and safety of high rise buildings in New York city,” said Áine.

“The next 40 years promises greater change and exciting opportunities.”

Additional speakers include Brendan Tuohy, Chief Physicist with Galway University Hospitals, and Marian Finnerty, Senior Environmental Health and Safety Specialist at medical device manufacturer Merit Medical.

“This is an excellent opportunity for 5th and 6th year students to hear first-hand from lecturers and students, as well as graduates who have pursued successful careers across the sciences and engineering,” said Dr Gavin Collins, Vice-Dean for Student Recruitment in Science and Engineering at NUI Galway.

“We will also showcase our new degrees in Genetics and Genomics, Agricultural Science, our integrated five-year Bachelors and Masters of Engineering degrees, and we’ll provide news on our sports scholarships.”

To register for the Virtual Information Evening visit: or for further information contact Eilís Ní Loingsigh at