Thirty six groups in Galway City awarded COVID-19 Emergency Fund grants

Galway Daily news Grants available to community groups in Galway City affected by COVID

Thirty six charities, community groups, and voluntary organisations have been approved grant funding under the COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

The Galway City Community Development Committee have this week approved grants totalling €58,029 to a wide range of groups under the second round of this fund in the city.

The grants are meant to enable organisations to continue to offer their local services with the additional restrictions and changes needed due to COVID-19.

It is also to enable voluntary groups and organisations to become more involved in the ‘Keep Well’ campaign.

The COVID-19 Emergency Fund is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by Galway City LCDC.

The full list of grants approved for groups in Galway City in the second round of this fund is:

Name of Group / Organisation Purpose of Funding Amount Approved
Le Chéile Gym Purchase of IT equipment to enable online delivery of free physical activity and wellness classes to people living in Direct Provision €630
Link Galway Limited Purchase of IT equipment to enable online delivery of supports / programmes / activities for service users €890
Irish Sudden Infant Death
Association t/a First Light
Funding to develop 6 editions of COVID-19 tailored newsletters for Galway City €500
14th Galway Scout Group Purchase of scouting equipment to enable online delivery of scouting skills programmes to members during COVID-19 €620
Westside Age Inclusion Ltd Purchase of reusable PPE for staff and service areas to ensure ongoing service provision during COVID-19 €970
Sexual Health West Funding to provide additional online workshops to second and third level students and parents €1,000
The Eglinton Community
Organic Garden
Purchase of outdoor items / equipment to support parents and children to increase their access to outdoor spaces during COVID-19 €750
Row to Recovery Galway Funding to support this group with running costs to deliver their service €800
Galway Cheshire Funding to support 2 further editions of magazine, focussing on key “Keep Well” campaign themes for local distribution €500
32nd Galway Menlo Scouts Purchase of scouting equipment to enable online delivery of scouting skills programmes to members during COVID-19 €620
SCCUL Enterprises CLG To provide access to online therapeutic support programme for isolated/vulnerable people in Galway City €950
Galway African Diaspora
Purchase of IT equipment to enable online delivery of activities €800
Galway City Partnership Provide funding to develop and deliver window boxes to vulnerable members in the community €1,000
Arthritis Ireland (Galway Branch) Funding to deliver online exercise programmes (twice weekly) to participants €600
Merlin Woods Ladybirds and
Brownie Guides
Purchase of IT equipment to enable online delivery of scouting programmes / supports to members during COVID-19 €620
Irish Wheelchair Association
Purchase of IT equipment to develop and deliver online workshops to members across Galway City €1,000
ARD Family Resource Centre Provide funding to develop an Intergenerational project to support older people and teenagers in the local community €660
Beo Services (Brothers of Charity Services) Purchase of sensory /therapeutic equipment needed to enhance service and provide social supports


Domestic Violence Response


Increase front line service provision to increase the provision of practical and emotional support to include emergency support during COVID-19 €4,000
Galway Volunteer Centre Develop and deliver online “Gardening for Wildlife & Wellness” workshops €2,500
Ballinfoile Mór Community
Develop and adapt the community garden area, to include installation of additional screening and outdoor seating area to allow for social distancing during COVID-19 €2,000
Galway Autism Partnership Funding to develop and deliver a programme of remote mental health and wellbeing supports and services to autistic and neurodiverse children and their families €6,300
Galway Hooker Sailing Club Purchase of IT equipment to deliver online workshops / online activities for group €1,000
Arts Alive Galway (Brothers of Charity Services)


Purchase of camera equipment to film new performance piece for online viewing €2,000
Disability Federation of Ireland To deliver online focus group meetings with members of the Galway City deaf community €2,000
COPE Galway Provide funding to support the distribution of food from the FEAD programme to a range of vulnerable families, individuals and older people affected by COVID-19 across Galway City €5,000
Amdalah Africa Foundation
Purchase of COVID-19 PPE and IT equipment for the provision of online meetings and keep well workshops for local community €1,000
Pernet CLG Funding to deliver a series of “Living Mindfully” online workshops and support for website adaptations to enhance online social supports and activities €1,000
Ballybane Community
Organic Garden
Develop and adapt an outdoor pavilion area at the community garden to enhance social supports and allow for social distancing during COVID-19 €2,000
(Building a Receptive
and Integrated
Galway of Equals)
Purchase of IT equipment (data  dongles) for online access to training and social supports for service users who don’t have Wi-Fi or limited data €1,500
Shantalla Residents
Purchase and provide COVID-19 care packs for the local community €2,975
Down Syndrome
Galway Branch
Funding to develop and deliver an online occupational therapy programme for members in Galway City €4,000
Westside Resource
Centre CLG
Funding to support the installation of a new kitchenette area needed as a result of COVID-19 €1,127
Helplink Mental Health Funding to support online delivery of free or low cost mental health services and supports locally €590
Galway Centre for
Independent Living CLG
Purchase of protective screening and sanitising items used in the office in line with COVID-19 €4,000
Third Space Galway Develop and deliver an online regenerative cultural hub, a permaculture lab to support their online service €1,000