New leaflets puts citizens back into heart of planning process – Senator Dolan

galway daily news leaflets planning permission

A new series of online planning information leaflets will help put the citizen back into the heart of the planning process, a Roscommon-Galway senator has said.

Senator Aisling Dolan said the new leaflets contain practical and accessible information on how the planning system works, explaining how best to engage with it.

“Proper planning across our communities transforms lives. It is a complex process but the key ingredient is engagement and collaboration with local residents,” said Senator Dolan.

“Sometimes people see planning as the preserve of experts while struggling to engage with it.”

The Fine Gael Senator said that putting citizens back into the heart of the planning process first takes proper knowledge, information and awareness raising.

“And we will need that awareness in planning for the rebound from COVID-19 and tackling climate, housing and other issues in how we develop,” she said.

The leaflets replace those published in the 1990s and Senator Dolan said they will be an invaluable tool for householders thinking of improving their homes, business people in developing their premises or anyone who wants to know more about planning.

The leaflets are available at and will be made available on the websites of local authorities, libraries, and citizens’ information centres.