136 Galway students receiving Leaving Cert exam results today

Galway daily news Almost 3,500 Galway students receiving Leaving Cert results

There are 136 Leaving Cert students in Galway who are receiving their exam results today after opting to sit the deferred exams rather than taking calculated grades.

The State Examinations Commission is today releasing results to 2,200 students who sat the deferred Leaving, Junior, and Leaving Cert Applied exams.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis affecting students ability to go to school, the vast majority of young people who would have sat exams in 2020 received a calculated grade instead.

But the option was also provided to all students to sit a deferred written exam in some or all of their subjects.

In Galway 156 candidates applied to sit the Leaving Cert exam, but 20 of those applicants changed their minds.

People who initially took a calculated grade also had the option to sit the deferred exams. Any student who receives a higher grade from the written exam than their calculated result will have that counted instead.

Minister for Education Norma Foley congratulated all the students who sat deferred exams, acknowledging that they had been through a lot in “extraordinary circumstances” due to the impact of COVID-19 on education.

“While some of you may have been disappointed with your Calculated Grades results, you undertook the challenge of studying for the postponed exams and have worked hard for your results.”

“Due to public health measures in place, you will not be able to celebrate the way you would have liked, but I know that you all understand the role each one of us has to play in keeping one another safe.”